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Dr Rick Braley has produced over 50 scientific publications since mid-1970s, including refereed journals, manuals, sections in books & reports.  The topics include: 

  • Aquaculture.

  • Tropical oysters and giant clams, cultivation and reproduction, recruitment, natural spatial distribution and abundance.

  • Use of hatchery stock to restock reefs.

  • Trochus distribution and culture.

  • Blacklip pearl oyster stocks, hatchery culture and protocols.

  • Hygiene and supplies.


For a list of the 51 multi-category scientific publications between 1978 - 1998, (before Aquasearch Laboratory and Aquarium were established), visit Dr. Braley's CV page.


  1. Trochus niloticus sSpawnings at TMRC. Penrhyn Atoll, Cook Islands.

trochus nioloticus sulawesi.jpg
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